>> 3.22.2010

I hope everyone had a great spring break, I know we sure did. We didn't do a whole lot, but I think that's what made it a great break. Plus, with the computer breaking down the night before spring break started, it forced me to take a break. George also had planned his vacation for that same week so all three of us enjoyed a lot of good quality family time. A little bit of fishing, cousins over to play and a little bit of bowling. Not too bad. (Although by this weekend, secretly, I was ready for our normal routine to get started again.)

Another off topic subject, our dog - Squirt. He is about to drive me crazy this morning (and last night). I'm not sure if it's the spring weather or what the deal is, but all he does is sit at the door and cry. He wants out. So, I put him out - for about five minutes - and then he wants back in. As soon as he is back inside, I sit down and where do you think I find him? Yep, right back by the door - crying! Ugh! I don't know what to do with him. Today, he's worse than a little kid.

Now back to business. Since things are back on track at the office/studio, I have a whole lot of proofing to do, some designs to work on, and a few marketing pieces to get busy with. I love to be this busy!!

I also had a great time this weekend with another mentoring session. I really love these and have so much fun with them. This session was with a maternity client who is pregnant with twins - a boy and a girl!

Oh, I almost forgot - the give away! This week up for grabs we have a free dog, just kidding ... this week I have a set of awesome coasters. Each coaster holds an image. These would look awesome in any living room. To win these all you have to do is: 1) be a blog follower and 2) leave a comment below letting me know your thoughts on a sign for the studio - need one? what I have is fine? big one, small one, white one? etc. And don't forget to include your name so I'll know who to contact if you win.


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