If it's not one thing, it's another...

>> 3.15.2010

Well, I'm on a computer at the local library. If you don't follow my facebook page, a quick update: Thursday or Friday evening the boys were playing on the computer and it just quit. I was worried it was the motherboard. Shipped it off to a great (and awesomely priced) computer guy over the weekend and am hoping to hear back from him soon. Something about a video card. I'm hoping this is something cheap and easy to fix. I'm seriously going through withdrawal with out it. :(
I have several sessions to proof and three or four orders to send - with their deadline coming up. Not a good thing.

Also, the studio phone number has finally changed. I was looking back at my past bills (which reminds me - if you have service through a certain server that starts with an A and ends with a T, check your bill closely for services you do not subscribe to. That's a whole other story, just beware.)... anyway, was looking back at the bills and noticed that the last time I used the home phone to make a long distance call was the beginning of December when Dagan was still living with us. So, I think that qualifies as no longer needed.

The new number is posted on the right hand sidebar (might have to scroll down just a bit). You can call at anytime and leave a message if I don't answer. I'm usually available during 830am until 3pm, unless I'm in the middle of a session.

I guess I'd better close for now. Have a few other things I need to try and get done online before my time is up. Don't forget this week is the spring break mini sessions. I still have some weekday appointments available. Don't wait - call today!

Enjoy your week!
- tonya


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